sábado, 25 de março de 2017

2017 Full Moon Calendar

Many cultures have given distinct names to each recurring full moon. The names were applied to the entire month in which each occurred. The Farmer's Almanac lists several names that are commonly used in the United States. The almanac explains that there were some variations in the moon names, but in general, the same ones were used among the Algonquin tribes from New England on west to Lake Superior. European settlers followed their own customs and created some of their own names.
This is when full moons will occur in 2017, according to NASA:
DateNameU.S. EastUTC
Jan. 12Wolf Moon6:34 a.m.11:34
Feb. 10Snow Moon7:33 p.m.00:33 (2/11)
Mar. 12Worm Moon10:54 a.m.15:54
Apr. 11Pink Moon2:08 a.m.07:08
May 10Flower Moon5:43 p.m.22:43
June 9Strawberry Moon9:10 a.m.14:10
July 9Buck Moon12:07 a.m.05:07
Aug. 7Sturgeon Moon2:11 p.m.19:11
Sept. 6Harvest Moon3:03 a.m.08:03
Oct. 5Hunter's Moon2:40 p.m.19:40
Nov. 4Beaver Moon12:23 a.m.05:23
Dec. 3Cold Moon10:47 a.m.15:47
Other Native American people had different names. In the book "This Day in North American Indian History" (Da Capo Press, 2002), author Phil Konstantin lists more than 50 native peoples and their names for full moons. He also lists them on his website, AmericanIndian.net.
Amateur astronomer Keith Cooley has a brief list of the moon names of other cultures, including Chinese and Celtic, on his website. For example:
Chinese moon names
JanuaryHoliday MoonJulyHungry Ghost Moon
FebruaryBudding MoonAugustHarvest Moon
MarchSleepy MoonSeptemberChrysanthemum Moon
AprilPeony MoonOctoberKindly Moon
MayDragon MoonNovemberWhite Moon
JuneLotus MoonDecemberBitter Moon
Full moon names often correspond to seasonal markers, so a Harvest Moon occurs at the end of the growing season, in September, and the Cold Moon occurs in frosty December. At least, that's how it works in the Northern Hemisphere.
In the Southern Hemisphere, where the seasons are switched, the Harvest Moon occurs in March and the Cold Moon is in June. According to Earthsky.org, these are common names for full moons south of the equator.
January: Hay Moon, Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Mead Moon
February (mid-summer): Grain Moon, Sturgeon Moon, Red Moon, Wyrt Moon, Corn Moon, Dog Moon, Barley Moon
March: Harvest Moon, Corn Moon
April: Harvest Moon, Hunter’s Moon, Blood Moon
May: Hunter’s Moon, Beaver Moon, Frost Moon
June: Oak Moon, Cold Moon, Long Night’s Moon
July: Wolf Moon, Old Moon, Ice Moon
August: Snow Moon, Storm Moon, Hunger Moon, Wolf Moon
September: Worm Moon, Lenten Moon, Crow Moon, Sugar Moon, Chaste Moon, Sap Moon
October: Egg Moon, Fish Moon, Seed Moon, Pink Moon, Waking Moon
November: Corn Moon, Milk Moon, Flower Moon, Hare Moon
December: Strawberry Moon, Honey Moon, Rose Moon

Here's how a full moon works:
The moon is a sphere that travels once around Earth every 27.3 days. It also takes about 27 days for the moon to rotate on its axis. So, the moon always shows us the same face; there is no single "dark side" of the moon. As the moon revolves around Earth, it is illuminated from varying angles by the sun — what we see when we look at the moon is reflected sunlight. On average, the moon rises about 50 minutes later each day, which means sometimes it rises during daylight and other times during nighttime hours.
Here’s how the moon's phases go:
At new moon, the moon is between Earth and the sun, so that the side of the moon facing toward us receives no direct sunlight, and is lit only by dim sunlight reflected from Earth.
A few days later, as the moon moves around Earth, the side we can see gradually becomes more illuminated by direct sunlight. This thin sliver is called the waxing crescent.
A week after new moon, the moon is 90 degrees away from the sun in the sky and is half-illuminated from our point of view, what we call first quarterbecause it is about a quarter of the way around Earth.
A few days later, the area of illumination continues to increase. More than half of the moon's face appears to be getting sunlight. This phase is called a waxing gibbous moon.
When the moon has moved 180 degrees from its new moon position, the sun, Earth and the moon form
From www.space.com

Cientistas procuram explicação para as misteriosas linhas escuras que aparecem em Marte nas estações quentes

Da BBC - Em setembro de 2015, a Nasa anunciou uma descoberta notável: Marte poderia ter correntes de água salgada que deslizavam pelas encostas do "Planeta Vermelho" durante o verão
Tão logo se cogitou que as linhas escuras registradas pelo rover Curiosity em Marte poderiam representar água em estado líquido surgiram especulações sobre a possibilidade de vida microbiana no planeta.
Agora, entretanto, especialistas afirmam que as misteriosas linhas negras podem ser, na verdade, avalanches de areia provocadas pelo efeito da luz solar na superfície marciana.De acordo com texto publicado esta semana pela revista New Scientist, cientistas afirmam que a atmosfera de Marte não é suficientemente úmida para considerar que a formação de linhas pudesse decorrer da condensação de água.
"Esses fenômenos acontecem nas horas mais quentes onde há temperatura mais elevada. Por isso, uma parte do cérebro diz que deveria ser gelo derretendo", disse Sylvain Piqueux, do laboratório da Nasa na Califórnia (EUA) em entrevista à New Scientist. Mas ele mesmo admite que trata-se de algo pouco provável em Marte. "O problema é que é muito difícil gelo derreter em Marte. É mais fácil que o gelo se transforme diretamente em vapor d'água", assinala Piqueux.
As linhas escuras foram observadas em vários lugares do Planeta Vermelho quando as temperaturas estavam no entorno de -23ºC.
Na ausência de uma explicação que envolva água, Frédéric Schmidt, da Universidade do Sul de Paris, na França, propôs, em parceria com outros pesquisadores, um modelo alternativo, segundo informou a New Scientist.
MarteDireito de imagemNASA
Image captionTeoria das avalanches afasta esperança de se encontrar água ou mesmo vida microbiana no planeta vizinho, pelo menos por enquanto
Frédéric Schmidt defende que pode-se tratar de um processo ligado a variações climáticas sazonais.
Para Schmidt, as avalanches de areia poderiam ser causadas pelo Sol. Segundo esse modelo, quando os raios solares tocam a areia, o calor esquenta a superfície enquanto a parte inferior permanece fria. Essa diferença de temperatura provocaria mudança de pressão do gás em torno das partículas de areia. Esse gás subiria, fazendo com que haja deslocamento de areia e solo provocando, assim, deslizamento nas encostas marcianas.
Se essa teoria for comprovada, ou seja, se for rejeitada a hipótese de que as linhas escuras são "água líquida", desaparece a possibilidade de se encontrar organismos vivos em Marte.
Pelo menos, por agora.


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